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Solutions For Developers

Whether you are a software developer or a solutions architect looking for an effective way to inspect and edit Windows executable files, Heaventools has development tools designed to meet your specific needs.

Developer Toolbox: Reverse Engineering

PE Explorer PE Explorer is a integrated collection of tools that provide a framework for working with PE files. Why spend hours learning to use three or four programs, when you can do everything with PE Explorer's intuitive interface?

PE Explorer provides software engineers the necessary tools for disassembly and inspection of unknown binaries, scanning all modules statically linked to by a specified PE file, diagnosing and troubleshooting issues, modifying the properties of executable files and customizing and translating their resources. PE Explorer opens problem EXE files that the other programs don't. PE Explorer takes care of the things the other programs don't cover.

Finding tools that one can be comfortable with can be a chore. Especially so when doing reverse engineering, which is not an easy task in and of itself. That's why convenience was and is our number one design goal when developing PE Explorer.

PE Explorer Disassembler helps developers figure out what software that they have no source code for does in a particular feature or function to the degree that they can either modify this code, or reproduce it in another independent work.

For example, if you don't have the source code and API documentation for a DLL, the machine code is all there is. There is only one way to figure out the parameters on function exports: run the disassembler and read the disassembly output.

We tried to achieve most of the power of something like IDA Pro, while requiring less skill and not very steep learning curve, by automating more of the disassembly process.

Resource Editing At The Post-Build Stage

Resource Tuner ConsoleResource Tuner Console offers powerful automation capabilities for a wide range of resource editing tasks. With RTC, you can automate operations such as adding, replacing, or deleting icons, bitmaps, and different string resources like Version Information, Manifest, and StringTables.

By using Resource Tuner Console, you can establish a repeatable process for updating and customizing resources, which ultimately saves significant time that would otherwise be spent on manual editing. The automation capabilities of Resource Tuner Console eliminate the need for repetitive and time-consuming operations that you perform on a daily basis.

Integrating Resource Tuner Console into your existing build system is seamless, allowing for minimal downtime and reduced costs. RTC focuses on providing a solution that enhances overall productivity. By automating resource editing tasks and offering seamless integration, RTC helps you optimize your resource management workflow, save time, and improve efficiency.

Getting Under The Hood

Flex Hex Editor FlexHex is another tool indispensable in helping developers get "under the hood". This hex editor will help them securely analyze binary files and data streams, create input files for test runs, explore unknown file formats, patch binary data — these and hundreds of similar tasks make the FlexHex hex editor a must-have tool in every developer's toolbox.