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Heaventools Press Room

Press Releases

November, 2010 — PE Explorer Wins 2010 Epsilon Award for Software Excellence

Heaventools Software's PE Explorer was named the winner of the 2010 Epsilon Award at the tenth annual European Software Conference.


May, 2007 — PE Explorer Helps Developers Verify Signed Executable Files

Version 1.99 delivers new features and enhancements, including a digital signature viewer, and provides the way to deploy the same builds of the applications on both Windows Vista and Windows XP.


July, 2006 — PE Explorer Enables Analysis of Packed Malware Executables

Heaventools Software announced the immediate availability of PE Explorer 1.98 R3. The new release provides support for scrambled and obfuscated executable files.


February, 2006 — Resource Tuner Console Helps Developers Automate Editing of Resources in Windows Executables

Heaventools Software released Resource Tuner Console, a dedicated script driven resource editor that facilitates and automates editing of resources in Windows executables for application developers.


Download Product Brochures

Downloadable Evaluation Versions

You can download the evaluation versions from the page below. This gets you 30-day evaluations, just like your readers would get — we offer this free to anyone.

Download PE Explorer
Download Resource Tuner
Download Resource Tuner Console
Download FlexHex Editor

As a courtesy to the press, we offer registration keys to enable you to access all features past the 30-day limit. Please send a request for a key to sales at heaventools dot com and explain that you are in the process of reviewing one of our products — mention the publication please.

There is absolutely no ADWARE or SPYWARE in our products. Every package is digitally signed.


Press Inquiries

For all press inquiries, please contact us.