Free Trial Downloads
Download evaluation versions of our products for free. We encourage you to try out our software and basic technical support free of charge for 30 days before you make a decision regarding the purchase. If you are satisfied with the free trial of our software, please buy a license after your evaluation period.
PE Explorer: Tools for Disassembly and Inspection of EXE and DLL Files
PE Explorer provides powerful tools for disassembly and inspection of unknown binaries, editing the properties of 32-bit executable files, customizing and translating their resources. Use this product to do reverse engineering, analyze the procedures and libraries an executable uses.
Product version: 1.99 R6
Runs on: Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista/XP/2000/98
PE Explorer Overview
Prices and Ordering
Getting Started
Resource Tuner: Visual Resource Editor
Resource Tuner is a visual resource editor that lets you quickly browse, view, extract, add, modify, translate, edit, or replace any selected resources contained in 32/64-bit Windows executable files. Includes a search feature to quickly locate specific resources within a large number of executable files on your computer.
Product version: 2.25
Runs on: Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista/XP
Resource Tuner Overview
Prices and Ordering
Getting Started
Resource Tuner Console: Script Driven Resource Editor with CLI
Resource Tuner Console addresses the challenge of editing and updating different resource types in large numbers of 32/64-bit executable files, and lets you instantly change icons and strings from the command line within a second. No longer do you need to edit files manually one by one.
Product version: 2.24
Runs on: Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista/XP
Resource Tuner Console Overview
Prices and Ordering
Getting Started
FlexHex: Hex Editor
FlexHex Hex Editor provides a rich set of tools for easy browsing and hex editing of binary data. Use this product to securely edit binary files, OLE compound files, logical devices, and physical drives. Edit the hidden data which the other hex editors simply cannot see.
Product version: 2.70
Runs on: Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista/XP
FlexHex Overview
Prices and Ordering
Getting Started
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