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Refund Policy

We do not refund software purchases

We want you to be happy with your purchase. That is why we encourage you to try out our products and basic technical support free of charge for 30 days before you make a decision regarding the purchase.

Please use the trial versions prior to purchase if you are unsure if you want to purchase the product. Each product is well documented and has a wealth of support resources to aid your evaluation. By making the most of these free evaluations, you can fully test the software and make sure that it does everything you need. If you have questions while you evaluate the software, please contact our Tech Support.

Due to this free evaluation practice, we do not refund software purchases. We do not have a "buy before you try" policy. Once we have created a license key file for you and emailed it to the address specified during your order, the software is considered delivered and opened, therefore making it non-returnable. If you have any questions prior to your purchase, please contact Customer Support.


However, we realize that exceptional circumstances may take place with regard to the nature of the product we supply. At any rate, it would be useful to know WHY you want a refund in case there is a problem that we can put right. Please contact Tech Support. If it is determined that your problems cannot be rectified, technical support will instruct you on how to receive a full refund.

If you have made errors entering your personal information on the order form, please contact Customer Support. Do not reorder. We will not provide full refunds for duplicate orders under these circumstances.

If you haven't received your registration code

If you haven't received the registration message from us within 24 hours, it usually means that the email message that we sent to you was lost because of some technical problems with one of the mail relay servers, or could not be delivered to your mailbox. Also, quite frequently the problem is with misconfigured SPAM filters; whenever they detect words like "buy" or "order" in the message body or subject, they block it.

If the registration message is not in your spam box (99% of the time this is the issue), then doublecheck the email address you entered. It doesn't happen often, but some people wrongly type in their email addresses. Also another issue we have had is that the email gets bounced back for whatever reason.