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Demo Script: Edit Strings, Update Version Numbers, Save As Resource DLL

RTC This sample code provides a demonstration of Resource Tuner Console's capabilities. It showcases how to modify string and numeric resources in Windows EXE and DLL files using the command-line resource editor.

The script performs the following operations on DemoApp1.exe:

  • Edits strings using string and numeric literal values from the definition file demoapp1.drc located in the "\Defs" folder.
  • Adds a new StringTable and modifies the existing MessageTable.
  • Updates the Version Information of the executable.
  • Creates a copy of the resource (Message Table) with another language.
  • Outputs the resource tree to a log file for further analysis.
  • Finally, it saves the entire file's resources as a resource DLL.

The resulting files are saved in the directory named "Release".

For detailed instructions on using scripts with Resource Tuner Console, refer to the Step-by-Step Guide To Using Scripts.

Note: when copying out the script code, please make sure there's no line breaks. This is a requirement of VBScript: the entire command must be on one line.

Big Test Script
Sub Main
  PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "PE file header checksum updating is enabled." 
  PEFileProxy.UpdateCheckSum = True 

  PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "The creation of a backup copy is disabled." 
  PEFileProxy.CreateBackUp = False

  ' Set Language to English-US
  LangID = 1033 ' English-US

  ' Retrieve and output CodePage to log
  CP = ScriptUnit.CodePageFromLangID(LangID)
  PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "CodePage value for English-US: " & CStr(CP)

  ' Open file
  PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Open the file for editing..." 
  PEFileProxy.OpenFile ".\src\DemoApp1.exe"
  if (PEFileProxy.Terminated) then
    ' Issue a warning in case of error
    PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Error when opening this file."
    PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "File opened OK."
    if (not PEFileProxy.HasResources) then
      PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "The file contains no resources."
      PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "The file contains resources."

      ' Accessing the external definition file that contains the values
      ' for constants used in the loaded executable file.
      PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Opening the definition file..."
      PEFileProxy.OpenDefinitionFile ".\defs\demoapp1.drc"

      ' Edit strings in the StringTable
      PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Editing String Table..."

      S1 = "My App Number1"
      S2 = "Resource String: Item1 was modified."
      S3 = "Resource String: Item2 was updated."
      S4 = "Resource String: Item3 was changed."
      S5 = "Version Info:"
      S6 = "&Close App"
      ' Gain access to the entries using the definitions
      ResourcesProxy.EditStringTable "dm1Unit_res_Caption", 0, CURRENT_LANG, S1, CP
      ResourcesProxy.EditStringTable "dm1Unit_res_Label1", 0, CURRENT_LANG, S2, CP
      ResourcesProxy.EditStringTable "dm1Unit_res_Label2", 0, CURRENT_LANG, S3, CP
      ResourcesProxy.EditStringTable "dm1Unit_res_Label3", 0, CURRENT_LANG, S4, CP
      ResourcesProxy.EditStringTable "dm1Unit_res_Version", 0, CURRENT_LANG, S5, CP
      ' Gain access to the entry using the entry index
      ResourcesProxy.EditStringTable "65269", 0, CURRENT_LANG, S6, CP

      ' Create a new String Table (English-US)
      S1 = "This resource has been added by RTC (English-US)"
      ResourcesProxy.EditStringTable "1", 1033, CREATE_IF_NOT_EXIST, S1, CP

      ' Edit strings in the MessageTable
      PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Editing Message Table..."
      S1 = "Event 1"
      S2 = "Event 2"
      S3 = "Event 5"
      ResourcesProxy.EditMessageTable "1", 0, CREATE_IF_NOT_EXIST, 10001, S1, CP
      ResourcesProxy.EditMessageTable "1", 0, CREATE_IF_NOT_EXIST, 10002, S2, CP
      ResourcesProxy.EditMessageTable "1", 0, CREATE_IF_NOT_EXIST, 10005, S3, CP
      S1 = "Error 1"
      S2 = "Error 2"
      ResourcesProxy.EditMessageTable "1", 0, CREATE_IF_NOT_EXIST, &H80000001, S1, CP
      ResourcesProxy.EditMessageTable "1", 0, CREATE_IF_NOT_EXIST, &H80000002, S2, CP
      S0 = "InsertItem 0"
      S1 = "InsertItem 1"
      S2 = "InsertItem 2"
      ResourcesProxy.EditMessageTable "1", 0, CREATE_IF_NOT_EXIST, 10004, S1, CP
      ResourcesProxy.EditMessageTable "1", 0, CREATE_IF_NOT_EXIST, 10000, S2, CP
      ResourcesProxy.EditMessageTable "1", 0, CREATE_IF_NOT_EXIST, 0, S0, CP
      S0 = "Negative value for ID"
      ResourcesProxy.EditMessageTable "1", 0, CREATE_IF_NOT_EXIST, -1, S0, CP

      ' Open the Version Info for editing
      PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Open Version Info..."
      if ResourcesProxy.OpenVersionInfo("1", 0, GET_DEFAULT_IF_NOT_EXIST) then 
        PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Version Info opened."

        ' Output the current FileVersion & ProductVersion to a log file (optional)
        PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Current FileVersion: " &_
                CStr(VersionInfoProxy.FileVersionMajor) & "." &_
                CStr(VersionInfoProxy.FileVersionMinor) & "." &_
                CStr(VersionInfoProxy.FileVersionRelease) & "." &_
        PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Current ProductVersion: " &_
                CStr(VersionInfoProxy.ProductVersionMajor) & "." &_
                CStr(VersionInfoProxy.ProductVersionMinor) & "." &_
                CStr(VersionInfoProxy.ProductVersionRelease) & "." &_

        ' Update FileVersion & ProductVersion numeric values
        VersionInfoProxy.SetFileVersion 2, 1, 3, 1205, 1033, True, True, True
        VersionInfoProxy.SetProductVersion 2, 0, 0, 0, 1033, True, True, True

        ' Output the updated FileVersion & ProductVersion to a log file (optional)
        PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Updated FileVersion: " &_
                CStr(VersionInfoProxy.FileVersionMajor) & "." &_
                CStr(VersionInfoProxy.FileVersionMinor) & "." &_
                CStr(VersionInfoProxy.FileVersionRelease) & "." &_
        PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Updated ProductVersion: " &_
                CStr(VersionInfoProxy.ProductVersionMajor) & "." &_
                CStr(VersionInfoProxy.ProductVersionMinor) & "." &_
                CStr(VersionInfoProxy.ProductVersionRelease) & "." &_

        ' Set the file flags
        VersionInfoProxy.FileFlagsMask = &H3F
        VersionInfoProxy.FileFlags = VS_FF_PRERELEASE or VS_FF_PRIVATEBUILD
        VersionInfoProxy.FileOS = VOS__WINDOWS32
        VersionInfoProxy.FileType = VFT_DLL
        VersionInfoProxy.FileSubType = VFT2_UNKNOWN

   S1 = "Copyright \0xA9 2025 SuperSoftware Development"
   S2 = "SuperProg is a trademark of SuperSoftware Development"
   VersionInfoProxy.EditStringFileInfo "LegalCopyright", S1, CP, 1033, True, True
   VersionInfoProxy.EditStringFileInfo "LegalTrademarks", S2, CP, 1033, True, True
   S1 = "This entry has been added by the RTC demo script"
   VersionInfoProxy.EditStringFileInfo "SpecialInfo", S1, CP, 1033, True, True

        PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Close the Version Info..."
        ' Issue a warning in case of error
        PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Could not edit Version Information."
      end if

      ' Compile all the changes made to the resources throughout the script
      PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Compiling all changes..."

      ' Create a copy of the resource (Message Table) with another language
      PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Creating a copy of the resource (Message Table) 
with another language..." PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Copying Message Table:1 Neutral (0) to
Message Table:1 German-Swiss (2055)..." ResourcesProxy.CopyResource RT_MESSAGETABLE, "1", 0, 2055 ' Compile the changes again PEFileProxy.Compile ' Build and output the Resource Tree to log to show all the changes made PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "" PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Resource Tree built by RTC:" ResourcesProxy.ResourceTreeToLog PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "" ' Save operations PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Saving the file's resources as a resource DLL" PEFileProxy.SaveAsResDll ".\release\demoapp1.res.dll" PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Saving the modified exe file..." PEFileProxy.SaveAsNewImage ".\release\DemoApp1.exe" end if PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Closing this file..." PEFileProxy.CloseFile end if end Sub

To view the changes made to the test EXE file, you can open it using Resource Tuner GUI.


After installing Resource Tuner Console, you can access these examples in theDemo Scriptsfolder, located within the installation directory. The Demo Scripts folder contains 12 subdirectories, each containing sample scripts and executable files.

All sample scripts are pre-configured and ready to run. To execute a sample script, simply select one of the .BAT files within the Demo Scripts folders. The script will apply changes to a test EXE file. The modified file will be generated in a directory named "Release", which will be located within the same directory containing the script.


The Complete Illustrated Step-by-Step Guide To Using Scripts

 Download Resource Tuner Console and learn how it can make you more productive.