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Batch Processing All Executable Files in a Folder

RTC This sample code provides a real-world example that demonstrates many of the features available in Resource Tuner Console. The code shows how to batch process the contents of a directory containing mixed EXEs and DLLs.

The script scans the specified Source directory for all available files. Then, for each file with the given file extension (EXE, DLL, SYS) it calls for the ProcessFile procedure to set the English-US language for all resources in each file and update the Version Information resource (StringFileInfo, FileVersion, and ProductVersion values). The processed files will be saved in the Destination folder.

Note: Ensure that there are no line breaks in the script code, as VBScript requires the entire command to be on one line.

Process Folder

' This code shows how to batch process the contents of a directory.
' It processes specific file extensions (EXE, DLL, SYS) in the source directory.
' ProcessFile procedure
' Purpose:
' Sets the English-US language for all resources in the file
' and updates the Version Information resource:
' StringFileInfo, FileVersion, and ProductVersion values.

Sub ProcessFile (SrcPath, DestPath, FileName)
  ' Set Language constant here
  LangID = 1033 ' English-US
  ' Retrieve the Code Page
  CP     = ScriptUnit.CodePageFromLangID(LangID)
  PEFileProxy.OpenFile SrcPath & FileName
  If Not PEFileProxy.Terminated Then
    If PEFileProxy.HasResources Then 
      ResourcesProxy.SetLanguage LangID, DELETE_IF_EXISTS 
      If ResourcesProxy.OpenVersionInfo("1", LangID, CREATE_IF_NOT_EXIST) Then 
       VersionInfoProxy.SetFileVersion  2, 0, 1, 122, LangID, True, True, True
       VersionInfoProxy.SetProductVersion 2, 0, 0, 0, LangID, True, True, True
       S1 = "Copyright \0xA9 2025 SuperSoftware Development"
       S2 = "SuperProg is a trademark of SuperSoftware Development"
       S3 = "This file modified by Resource Tuner Console"
       VersionInfoProxy.EditStringFileInfo "LegalCopyright", S1, CP, LangID, True, True
       VersionInfoProxy.EditStringFileInfo "LegalTrademarks", S2, CP, LangID, True, True
       VersionInfoProxy.EditStringFileInfo "Comments", S3, 1049, LangID, True, True
       PEFileProxy.SaveAsNewImage DestPath & FileName 
        ' Issue a warning in case of error
        PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "Failed to open/create Version Info..." 
      End If 
    End If 
  End If 
End Sub 

' The main routine. 
' First, it scans the specified Source folder for available files. 
' Then, for each file found, it calls the ProcessFile procedure. 
' Resource Tuner Console Demo allows processing only two files at a time.
' Order the full version and enjoy it without limitations!

Sub Main 
  dim SrcPath, DestPath, File_System_Object, Folder_Object, File_Object, File_Collection
  PEFileProxy.UpdateCheckSum = True 
  PEFileProxy.CreateBackUp   = False
  ' Specify the path to the Source Folder
  SrcPath = ScriptUnit.CurrentFolder & "src\"
  ' Specify the path to the Destination Folder
  DestPath = ScriptUnit.CurrentFolder & "release\"
  ' Scan the specified folder and process all files found.
  set File_System_Object = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  set Folder_Object      = File_System_Object.GetFolder(SrcPath)
  set File_Collection    = Folder_Object.Files
  for each File_Object in File_Collection
  ' Get an extension and modify it to one uniform lower case
  ' because there may be both upper and lower case characters
    FL_EXT = LCase(File_System_Object.GetExtensionName(File_Object.name))
  ' Check if the file has the specified file extension and process specific file
  ' extension. Add or remove file extensions as needed.
    If FL_EXT = "exe" or FL_EXT = "dll" or FL_EXT = "sys" Then
      ProcessFile SrcPath, DestPath, File_Object.name
      PEFileProxy.PostDebugString "*************************************"
    End If
End Sub

To view the changes made to the test EXE and DLL files, you can open them using Resource Tuner GUI.


Upon installing Resource Tuner Console, you will find the Demo Scripts folder nested within the RTC installation directory. This folder contains 12 subdirectories, each featuring script examples and sample executable files.

All the sample scripts are ready to run. To execute a sample script, simply select one of the .BAT files located within the respective Demo folders. When executed, the script will apply changes to the test EXE file. The resulting modified file will be created in a directory named Release, which resides in the same directory as the script.


The Complete Illustrated Step-by-Step Guide To Using Scripts

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